
An avid reader of science and science fiction since middle school, Daniel first began writing while serving in the United States Navy. The long deployments gave him time to write and an audience eager to read something other than technical manuals.  Besides learning how to track submarines, Daniel’s military experience taught him that — one, writing was hard and two, he enjoyed telling stories for other people’s enjoyment. Upon leaving the military Daniel continued to write. He describes his writing as ‘science fiction with a dash of romance.’

In addition to his military background, Daniel has a degree in electrical engineering. He worked his way through college with an internship at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center where he worked as a technician’s assistant.

Both of Daniels’s parents served in the United States Navy. Daniel says he is probably one of the very few sailors who can say they swapped sea stories with their mother.

In addition to this website you can follow Daniel on his Facebook site daneilcheslerauthor